Classic Game Room HD - LAST BATTLE for Sega Genesis review

Описание к видео Classic Game Room HD - LAST BATTLE for Sega Genesis review

Classic Game Room HD reviews LAST BATTLE for Sega Genesis (aka Sega Mega Drive). This is an earlier Genesis action game from 1989 and has many similarities to Altered Beast (and shares some music with Golden Axe). You play as Aarzak (pronounced Are-zak) and fight your way through 2-D side scrolling levels full of mindless enemies who attack you with knives and axes. Last Battle may not be the most exciting game on the Genesis but the packaging is cool and the writing is hilarious. Level Aarzak up and increase his health and defense. Fight end bosses that move back and forth and check out some bland parallax scrolling in the backgrounds. This CGR review of Last Battle has gameplay from Last Battle on Sega Genesis showing 16-bit video game play from the Mega Drive in action!


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