Spielsachen 37: "Bach 2020" (a work in progress compact creation)

Описание к видео Spielsachen 37: "Bach 2020" (a work in progress compact creation)

This year continues as it had started, at least regarding this series. The Bach is once again responsible for everything composed (with the exception of some gratuitous noodling), and the skiff from the last video including its programmes make a reappearance.

Apart from that: this is where the "Spielsachen Growing Smaller", a portable, Eurorack-centric, thing might head. The potential key components (84TE skiff, Bass Station II, MC-707) were embellished with stuff from the shelves to fill a rectangular footprint - KP3 and G3.

There's a lot of themes, bass lines, motifs and chord progressions from Bach's huge work, with a special focus on the organ stuff. There's still room to progress - the Bachwerkeverzeichnis lists in its latest edition more than 1350 things...

This session wasn't as much fun as all those I did in recent days, but then again, it's a work in progress.


post scriptum: the title was inspired by German Brass' album "Bach 2000", itself a sequel to "Bach 300". I guess the next thing of that kind will be "Bach 300 RIP", which will coincide with "Bach 2050". I'll be rather mature by then, but that won't keep me from aiming for a video or album then...


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