Tally Saves the Internet! - Release Trailer

Описание к видео Tally Saves the Internet! - Release Trailer

Tally is a browser extension that transforms data advertisers collect into a multiplayer game. Once installed, a friendly pink blob named Tally lives in the corner of your screen and warns you when companies translate your human experiences into free behavioral data. When Tally encounters “product monsters” (online trackers and their corresponding product marketing categories) you can capture them in a turn-based battle (e.g. “Pokémon style”) transforming the game into a progressive tracker blocker, where you earn the right to be let alone through this playful experience. Play the game at https://tallysavestheinternet.com/

Trailer credits:

Styleframes and concepts: Richard Farrell, Owen Keefer
3D characters and environment design: Owen Keefer
Editing and post-production: Owen Keefer
Trailer music and sfx: Siân Lewis, Drew Keefer, Owen Keefer
Voiceover: Siân Lewis
Art direction, storyboarding: Sneakaway Studio (Joelle Dietrick Owen Mundy)


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