Dark Souls Remastered - Cursed Paladin Leeroy pt03 (NG+6, No Estus)

Описание к видео Dark Souls Remastered - Cursed Paladin Leeroy pt03 (NG+6, No Estus)

Rules of the run:
1. Fresh start in New Game +6 (the highest NG cycle that the game increases in difficulty.) Starting as any class, I was a Pyromancer, SL1.
2. Cursed (half HP) and no Estus Flask.
3. Equipment: Grant, Sanctus, any Talisman, and any piece(s) of the Paladin set. Any rings can be used.
4. Spells: Wrath of the Gods and any Heal type miracles allowed (I didn't use them.) As usual, I allow myself use of ancillary spells such as Fall Control, Remedy, Cast Light, Power Within etc.
5. Cannot kill any bosses before equipping the Grant (except Asylum Demon obviously.) Before that any weapon can be used - I went for the Astora's Straight Sword as it's easy to get early and is also a Faith weapon.



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