四川彭州军屯锅魁,小镇制饼产业一条龙,阿星吃肥肠粉冒节子The gourmet Juntun Guokui in Pengzhou, Sichuan

Описание к видео 四川彭州军屯锅魁,小镇制饼产业一条龙,阿星吃肥肠粉冒节子The gourmet Juntun Guokui in Pengzhou, Sichuan

Juntun Guokui can be said to be one of the gourmet business cards in Sichuan. Its birthplace is in Junle Town, Pengzhou City. The Guokui industry in the town has a complete scale, one-stop service, and many restaurants have done it for several generations. The spicy and crispy Guokui is fried first and then roasted. The skin is golden and full of meat filling, which is crispy and delicious. Axing also served it with red oil Feichang noodle, and it was especially delicious with the addition of two Jiezi.


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