Identifying Your Customer WINS with Design Thinking

Описание к видео Identifying Your Customer WINS with Design Thinking

After creating a series of personas and their How Might We statements, the team may want to evaluate if any high-impact areas exist across the various personas. In other words, the team might want to assess if several personas share a need. A helpful tool for visualizing the relationship between needs and the respective personas is a WINS Matrix.

The customer WINS matrix allows the team to quickly identify high-impact areas by evaluating what shared needs might exist across the various customer personas. To complete the Customer WINS tool the team should complete the following steps.

1. List Personas – List all the customer personas along the left side of the WINS matrix.

2. Identify How Might We Themes – As a team, identify the key themes across the various customer personas. It is okay if the theme is only relevant to 2 or 3 personas. List the key themes across the top of the WINS matrix.

3. Score Relationships – As a team, assign a score to signify the correlative strength between each persona (scored individually) and the corresponding HMW question. When assigning a score, there can be no fit, weak, intermediate, or strong correlation. The correlation strength should represent the level of importance of the HMW question to the persona and the expected benefit to the persona, should the challenge presented in the question be solved.

4. Prioritize the How Might We Questions – After completing the matrix, it will become evident what HMW questions impact multiple personas and should be prioritized.

Using the Customer WINS matrix, the Design team can easily identify if a common theme exists across their customers. That shared need should be the central focus of the team’s ideating and problem-solving activities if that is the case.


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