SMARTPLACES conference - A session by Dorothée King and Radek Rudnicki

Описание к видео SMARTPLACES conference - A session by Dorothée King and Radek Rudnicki

Dorothée King is professor and head of the Arts and Design Education department and the Learning Lab at Basel Academy for Arts and Design. She earned her PhD from the College of Fine Arts at Berlin University of the Arts. She has also lectured at Rhode Island School of Design, Providence College; the Interface Cultures program at the University for Art and Industrial Design Linz, Austria; and the Banff New Media Institute, Canada. She was a consultant for the TransArt Institute in New York and has been working as a freelance educator, communicator and coach since 2002. Dorothée is a certified Jivamukti teacher and certified Vinyasa Yoga teacher. She continues to study yoga, mindfulness, and meditation through attending workshops with advanced teachers.

Radek Rudnicki is a composer, sound artist and sound designer focused on using spatial sound in multidisciplinary projects. Radek collaborated with NASA, Stockholm Environment Institute and Space Base New Zealand on projects linking data and spatial sound. He is working as the lead sound designer and music composer for Precyzja Foundation and director of Wave Folder Records. Radek regularly designs sound and supports product development for number of synth makers and Eurorack module manufacturers. He made pieces for theatre, film and game sound design. He collaborates with dance choreographers, visual artists creating new media works and audio-visual installations. Working with artists across cultures he creates new works linking traditional music and electronics. He presented his work in galleries, festivals and events worldwide.

As the smARTplaces project comes to a close, we realised there are many stories to share about experiments, audiences, collaboration, failures and successes. For our third and final conference – SMARTPLACES – hosted by the Dortmunder U on March 5th 2020, we’re telling these stories by shining a spotlight on our colleagues from across the world.

smARTplaces is a visionary, long-term European audience development project aiming to revolutionize the way culture and art can be perceived and consumed using digital technology and new forms of cultural mediation. The project network comprises eight cultural institutions and two universities from eight countries.

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smARTplaces is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. For more information visit


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