Darkest Dungeon 13 - Hellhounds

Описание к видео Darkest Dungeon 13 - Hellhounds

The time is nigh. We must reclaim our ancestor's estate. This is a master class, roguelike, turn-based RPG adventure that is psychological Gothic thriller. In it, Ad Astra accepts help from absolutely psychotic masochists that roll up daily in stage coaches just to test their mettle but really just throw their lives away to the unimaginable horrors of the dark. The white-knuckled gameplay really makes us question why we boot-up the game every session. When we topple the twisted, mysterious, and stress inducing challenges, the satisfaction is unmatched. Treat your eyes and ears to the devilish delight that is, Darkest Dungeon.
Stream the Box is lightly edited for your viewing pleasure, and represents full playthroughs that happened on stream!

OH hey, speaking of streams, we have a Twitch Channel! You should follow us at   / shakethebox  

Music Credit: Trepidation by Purple Planet Music
Music Credit: Lobby Time by Kevid MacLeod


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