TYT MD 380 Explainer

Описание к видео TYT MD 380 Explainer

The MD-380 is a 70cm only rig with DMR capability. (There is also a “UV” version as well.) It has limited memories and is not an all purpose radio but is handy for local 70cm work. Using a non-factory customer programming software known as Editcp, custom firmware called md380tools (KD4Z variant) can be easily loaded to enable a few extra features over the stock firmware.

One of those extras enables the end user to directly enter talkgroup ID’s, which takes a load off the codeplug programmer by not having to enter by hand every “contact” the radio is likely to connect to.

The following video describes the procedure for the end user of this rig, to use when changing talkgroups.


Информация по комментариям в разработке