बलून सारखी टम्म फुगलेली खुसखुशीत मूग डाळ कचोरी वापरा या 5 टिप्स | Moong Daal Kachori saritaskitchen

Описание к видео बलून सारखी टम्म फुगलेली खुसखुशीत मूग डाळ कचोरी वापरा या 5 टिप्स | Moong Daal Kachori saritaskitchen

आज saritakitchen मध्ये मूग डाळीची खुसखुशीत कचोरी कशी करायची बनवणार आहोत.

पिवळी मूग डाळ 1/2 कप
तेल 3 tbsp
जिरे 1 tsp
धने 1 tbsp
बडीशेप 1 tbsp
हिंग 1/2 tsp
आले 1 इंच
हिरवी मिरची 2
बेसन 5 tbsp
मिरची पावडर 1 tsp
मीठ चवीनुसार
आमचूर पावडर 1 tsp
गरम मसाला 1/2 tsp
कचोरी आवरण -
मैदा 2 कप
मीठ चवीनुसार
तूप 2 tbsp
तळण्यासाठी तेल

Mug daal kachori / khuskhushit moong daal kachori is very famous street snacks in all over India. It is very easy to make. There is alight difference between shegav kachori recipe. If you follow this recipe properly Kachori will become super flaky and crispy. You can have it with green chutney,
red chinchechi chutney, also you can make kachori chat, dahi kachori chat. This popular tea time skanck, be it is monsoon, rainy or winter you can have to anytime. Do try this khasta kachori recipe and dont forget to like,share and comment your feedback.

Ingredients -
Yellow Split Gram 1/2 cup
Oil 3 tbsp
Cumin 1 tsp
Coriender seeds 1tbsp
Fennel Seeds 1 tbsp
Asafoetida 1/2 tsp
Ginger 1 inch
Green chillies 2
Besan / Chickpeas Flour 5 - 6 tbsp
Red Chilly pw 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Aamchur 1 tsp
Garam masala 1/2 tsp
Kachori Cover
Maida / All purpose flour 2 cups
salt to taste
Ghee 2 tbsp
Oil for frying

*Soak moong daal for 3-4 hours
*Grind soaked daal coarse
*Heat a Pan, add oil. Add cumin, crushed coriender and fennel seeds, chopped green chillies, Asafoetida
Red chilly pw saute.
*Add besan , salt and saute for 4-5 mins
*Add moong daal, salt, garam masala and saute till mixture gets dried.
*Lastly add Drt mango pw, garam masala saute and turn off the flame.
Cool down mixture completely.
In maida add salt, melted ghee mix and make a semisoft dough and rest for 15 mins.
take a lemon sized dough and roll thick like puri, fill up 2 tbsp of stuffing, close it and roll it gently using maida.
heat up oil and fry kachori on low to med flame.
Enjoy Crispy. flaky kachori with chat chutney, fried chilles.

इतर रेसिपीज पाहण्यासाठी :-

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