Citrus Packhouses 7: Packing Practices

Описание к видео Citrus Packhouses 7: Packing Practices

Please note: The Citrus Packhouses audiovisual series replaces the Citrus Packing audiovisual series. Learner guide material can be found on the Citrus Resource Warehouse here:

We have reached the stage of the packhouse process where the fruit has been prepared for
packing, and grouped together according to size and grade, or class. The next step is to
pack the fruit into the right carton, in the correct packing pattern, and with or without labels
and wrappers, depending on what the market wants. After this, the carton must be labelled
with the correct details, weighed and recorded on the system, and then stacked on a pallet
with cartons containing fruit of the same grade and size, packed in the same way in the
same cartons, and destined for the same market.


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