“Illumination” Pure 432 Hz Mind Sync/Balance/Tune Meditation

Описание к видео “Illumination” Pure 432 Hz Mind Sync/Balance/Tune Meditation

Pure 432 Hz… This is something I have been working on for quite a while now. This is intense! This is pure 432 Hz! I hope you enjoy it my friends.

Let’s talk about the “mind” for a bit. Your mind exists throughout your entire being, not just in the brain. It is energy, it is light. Every cell in your body, every particle of energy that makes you, this is your mind. Your Chakras, Chi, Kundalini, Aura, Third Eye, etc., etc., etc., it is all part of the energy that exists inside of you, and around you… that is the mind I speak of. All throughout your nervous system, your blood system, all of your internal organs, the brain, eyes, fingers, and all around you, energy! Everything is energy! And ALL energy exists at certain frequencies. Your mind exists within certain frequencies ranges as well. In the natural world, your frequencies are in sync with nature… with the universe.

But, alas, the world of chaos in which we live, has everything knocked out of sync, out of tune, and inharmonious. We, and other living things, suffer stress, anxiety and many other detrimental affects when our being, our energy, our mind, synchronizes with the dissonant, inharmonious frequencies that exist in the chaos of modern life. This music is for bringing your entire being, your “mind,” back in to sync/balance/tune with the natural world, with the natural universe.

Now, let’s talk about the universe for a bit. I am not talking about something far, far away, though the universe is indeed infinite, I am talking about “the all,” “the here,” “the now,” the universe in which we exist, in which we are part of, we are engulfed in and connected wholly to. It is all around you, stretching out to infinity in every single direction. And going inward to infinity as well, in every single direction. And you exist within it. You are connected to it, a part of it, yet all of it. You are indeed at its center.

The chaotic inharmonious frequencies of the day have not only knocked our being out of tune with the natural world, it has caused conflicting frequencies between our minds and the universe in which we exist. We have become dissonant, inharmonious, out of tune ourselves, with the natural world, the natural universe. Getting back that connection, reestablishing it, is vital to our spiritual and physical wellbeing. Not to mention, a harmonious connection to the universe is wondrous, beautiful, healing, powerful, enlightening, etc., etc., etc.. When that connection is there, you can see all of the secrets of you; your destiny, your purpose here, and so many other wonderful treasures that are hidden within your mind.

Let the frequencies of this music bring you into tune, into sync, thus giving you power over YOUR self and YOUR world, like you have never felt before. You are far more powerful than you know. Let the music show you your power! Let this music nourish your mind, your powers, your ability to become your optimal self. The self YOU want to be.

The mind goes far beyond this life, this incarnation, it is ancient, it is the soul itself, it is the universe. Take the journey… through the universe of which you are a part. It is there for you.

I hope you all enjoy this meditation as I do. Leave a comment and tell me how you experience my music. I love to hear how you, my friends, experience my music and how it touches you. I communicate with you all through my music, it is the universal language and it carries with it my thoughts to you and my energy touching your energy.

Peace to you all my friends! ☥☬☮☯☸

If you are wearing headphones or earbuds, you will notice a shifting of the frequencies moving freely through the stereo field. Very magical!

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432 Hz - This is in 432 hz tuning at C#/136 (OM)Natural 432Hz Harmonics - Theoretically 432Hz vibrates more in tune with the natural energy of the universe, the universe in which we are a part of. Versus 440 which is slightly off, or out of tune with the natural world... us. Basically, the A above middle C, in this day and age is tuned to 440. The idea here is that A is more harmonic when tuned to 432. Harmonic with what? Us, the world, the universe; nature. The principal is that if A is tuned to 432, and all of the other notes are in tune with the A, then the music is more vibrationally in tune with us, thus having a more powerful effect on us. It is said that 432Hz is healing to us down to a cellular level, even our DNA is positively affected by the vibrations.


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