What is Utilitarianism - Happiness Principle - John Stuart Mill

Описание к видео What is Utilitarianism - Happiness Principle - John Stuart Mill

"🔍 Delve into the nuanced world of Utilitarianism through the penetrating lens of John Stuart Mill's essays in our latest YouTube video! 📚 Join us as we dissect the profound implications of Mill's ideas, exploring their strengths and uncovering their inherent flaws. 💡 From the delicate balance between individual liberties and societal welfare in 'On Liberty' to the consequentialist calculus of happiness in 'Utilitarianism,' we navigate through the cornerstone texts that define modern Utilitarian thought. 💬 Engage with thought-provoking discussions on the practical applications and moral dilemmas posed by Utilitarianism, as we dissect its limitations and explore alternative ethical frameworks. 🌟 Whether you're a seasoned philosopher or a curious mind, join us in unpacking the complexities of Utilitarianism through the penetrating insights of John Stuart Mill. Don't miss out – hit play now and embark on an intellectual journey that challenges, provokes, and inspires!"


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