Class - 139 //Parijatha Yoga - A Combination for Fame in later part of life / Peaceful & Respectable

Описание к видео Class - 139 //Parijatha Yoga - A Combination for Fame in later part of life / Peaceful & Respectable

Parijatha yoga

A yoga which gives comfortable life after middle age. Fame, social recognition and Respect is achieved in the later part of life.

This yoga is formed when
1. The lord of the sign in which the dispositor of the ascendant lord is posited, should be placed either in a Kendra (quadrant) or a Trikona (Trine) from the ascendant and it should be its sign of Exaltation / Moola trikona / Own sign. (this is to be seen only from the D1 chart).

2. The lord of the sign in which the dispositor of the ascendant (in D1) is placed in the D9 chart (Navamsa), should be placed in either the Kendra or Trikona in the D1 chart from the ascendant and it should be its sign of Exaltation / Moola trikona / Own sign. (this is to be seen from the D1 and D9 charts).

For any general doubts or doubts related to the class please mention in the comment box. It will be answered/clarified in the upcoming classes.
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