ShotSpotter: Northside Community Leader wants to keep it, and more

Описание к видео ShotSpotter: Northside Community Leader wants to keep it, and more

“Look, people lives are in jeopardy. I have to determine sometimes dealing with some rogue cop vs. me bleeding in the alley and nobody’s calling 911. That’s my reality, and so I want the Shotspotter, give me the MPD, and give me some other stuff to talk about the reason why these shots are going off in the first place”. – Wayne Bugg, Community Leader

August 5, 2024 Administration & Enterprise Oversight Committee
ShotSpotter Evaluation: LIMS #(2024-00551) - Receiving and filing a report from the City Auditor's Policy and Research Division on resources to conduct a general analysis of potential options for a third-party consultant to provide an independent evaluation of the City's ShotSpotter data. Action Taken: Received and filed

Contract amendment with SoundThinking, Inc. (formerly ShotSpotter) for a gunshot location system LIMS #(2024-00888) - Receiving and filing a presentation related to a contract amendment with SoundThinking, Inc. for a gunshot location system. Action Taken: Received and filed


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