NETWise Episode 29: Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Описание к видео NETWise Episode 29: Merkel Cell Carcinoma

One of the things that sets neuroendocrine tumors apart from other kinds of cancer is that they can occur almost anywhere in the body. Those different locations -- or primary sites -- can mean the NET takes on different characteristics and requires different kinds of treatment. In previous episodes of this show, we've talked about lung NETs, pancreatic NETs, small bowel NETs, and gynecological NETs. Today, we're going to be talking about skin NETs. These are known as Merkel cell carcinomas. Merkel Cell Carcinoma can be challenging to diagnose and treat, making early detection and medical attention crucial.

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NETWise is a podcast featuring neuroendocrine cancer experts and patients, produced by the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation (NETRF) in Boston, MA, USA.


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