Making an accurate Jurassic Park™ Embryo Cryocan V2.0

Описание к видео Making an accurate Jurassic Park™ Embryo Cryocan V2.0

FOR SOME it may have gone unnoticed, but I was informed by keen fans that the Jurassic Park cryocan prop replica is not correct. For many years the replicas have been made from newer cans, which show clear differences to the screen used prop (even in some cases 10oz volume instead of 11oz). So I went and upgraded my replica to make it as accurate as possible!

EDIT: The fans who helped with this have now allowed me to credit them, so special thanks to Milan Livada, Paul Elder and Jennie Wood. It was Jennie who suggested the use of the adhesive vinyl.

Also, it looks like the origin of this information goes back to a posting on the replica prop forum in 2015, so here is the source:

Without these fans and this information I would have never attempted this project or known that my replicas were incorrect. So thanks to all the contributors.

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