Canadian Army Newsreel No. 6

Описание к видео Canadian Army Newsreel No. 6

6.1 Lady Patricia Ramsay Inspects P.P.C.L.I.
Ramsay inspects her regiment, the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.

6.2 Pigeon Post
Canadian soldiers release British pigeons with messages tied to their legs.

6.3 Bringing in the Sheaves
Canadian soldiers help with the British harvest.

6.4 Canadians Meet Norwegians in Soccer Play-Downs
The second round of the Inter-Allied Services Soccer Cup on the West Ham football grounds, England; Brigadier General J.C. Stuart presents badges to the Norwegians, Major General Bateman to the Canadians.

6.5 British Mayors Visit Canadian Troops
A group of English mayors tour Canadian training grounds and view armoured cars.

6.6 Little Girls and Big Guns
English convent school girls visit Canadian ack-ack battery near London.

6.7 Turn on the Heat
Members of the Canadian Women’s Army Corps learn to fight London fires in bombed-out buildings with the instruction of the London firefighters.

6.8 Massed Bands Open “Wings for Victory” Week
Inauguration of a new war bond campaign in Hyde Park, London; bands march by High Commissioner Vincent Massey and Squadron Leader Leroy on a podium.


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