This is why you should NEVER buy stamps on eBay

Описание к видео This is why you should NEVER buy stamps on eBay

I bought two lots of stamps on ebay in an attempt to reduce my business costs and it was a complete disaster!

Both packs of stamps were fake and whilst some of my goods arrived ok, a lot of others were returned to me weeks later or never arrived.
Fake stamps look like a cheap option but they end up being more expensive in the long run.

There are 3 different types of postage stamps you can buy on eBay (not including stamps for collectors) and they will be either:
1) Legit and nearly full price
2) Previously used and possibly damaged
3) Fake!

Since I switched from using stamps to printing my own labels I have not had any items go missing in the post. Buying a label printer has reduced my cost of printing significantly and I will be able to reduce it further still if I acquire a business account with Royal Mail or a similar delivery company.


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