Visual Guide: Front Right Bearing Replacement on Opel Ampera 2012 - Gen1 Chevy Volt

Описание к видео Visual Guide: Front Right Bearing Replacement on Opel Ampera 2012 - Gen1 Chevy Volt

Visual Guide: Front Right Bearing Replacement on Opel Ampera 2012 - Gen1 Chevy Volt
Guide Visuel : Remplacement du Roulement Avant Droit sur Opel Ampera 2012 - Gen1 Chevy Volt

Parts numbers :
GM 11611232 / 11547142 Washer *Black from Rockauto (US)
GM 11562022 x2Brake 21mm bolt caliper (Manual say one time use, torque to yeld, I didnt replace.)
Pair of FAG Hub wheel kit for ampera from ebay x2 (Nuts and bolts included,100€ for 1)

Check my public playlists to find the videos that helped me complete the procedure.
Consulter mes playlists publiques pour trouver les vidéos qui m'ont aidé à réaliser la procédure.

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