Oauth 2.0 tutorial Explain Like I’m 5

Описание к видео Oauth 2.0 tutorial Explain Like I’m 5

What is Oauth & OpenID? In this video I try to be concise and explain it to you in a way that you will surely understand. Later I'll post links to the minute in which I cover each question.

00:00 Introduction, Why Oauth? Scenario Setup
01:29 Access Tokens
01:48 Oauth Flow: Client ID & Secret
02:26 Running through the flow
06:10 Explicit Flow: Exchanging the code
07:15 Why Explicit Flow? Why Exchange a code?
10:07 Front & Back Channels
11:49 Authorization vs Authentication: OpenID
14:08 What's OpenID for?
14:49 OAuth Flows
15:10 Outro

Topics covered

How to login with Oauth 2.0? What is OpenID? How does Oauth Work? What’s Front Channel and Back Channel? What’s the Authorization Code? The Oauth flow. Oauth Authorization. Oauth Scopes. Client Id & Secret. Oauth tutorial.


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