THE PRICE OF HONESTY┃Estonian Short Film

Описание к видео THE PRICE OF HONESTY┃Estonian Short Film

Drama Short Film "The Price Of Honesty" // Draama Lühifilm "Aususe Hind"
○ Ekufilm presents the drama short film "The Price of Honesty" by young Estonian filmmakers.
○ The subgenre of the film is a psychological thriller.

○ The story is about a boy who is forced to be honest and confess to his lover that he cheated on her. But what is the price of honesty, what will happen to their relationship and who will do the right thing in this situation? - The story takes us on an emotional journey, full of emotions.

○ The author of the story and the creator of the film is Ekebert Esken.
○ The composer and producer of the original music is Siim Tsadurjan.
○ Starring Tristan Ruusmaa and Hanna-Sandra Kulderknup.
○ Oskar-Mattias Õunap and Velle Tamme also contributed to the project.

○ Message from the author Ekebert:
"The Price of Honesty" is my first short film, which was born from a long-ago conflict inside me - should I tell the truth and risk losing the relationship, or hide and live with the burden of guilt?

○ What makes this short film special?
The film is special in the way it was made - there are only six people involved with the film and we made the film with a very small budget and an extremely small crew. We even filmed a couple of scenes from the film with just the four of us - Hanna-Sandra and Tristan acting, me behind the camera and direction, and Siim Tsadurjan recording the sound. This was possible thanks to my equipment and many skills in filmmaking. Nevertheless, we wanted to create the best possible film that could be compared to much bigger films, both in terms of quality and narrative!

○ The author of the film, Ekebert, hopes that the story of the short film can affect the audience emotionally within 15 minutes and make them think about the dilemma of honesty and concealment - something that everyone has had to choose between in their lives.

Used sound in living room scene: HBO "Chernobyl" - Ep. 1

INSTAGRAM:   / ekebert_esken  
FACEBOOK:   / ekebert.esken  
○ Ekufilm esitleb Eesti noorte filmitegijate draama lühifilmi "Aususe Hind".
○ Filmi alamžanriks on psühholoogiline põnevik.

○ Lugu räägib poisist, kes on sunnitud olema aus ja oma kallimale üles tunnistama, et ta pettis teda. Mis hind aga on aususel, mis nende suhtest saab ja kes käitub selles olukorras õigesti? - Lugu viib meid emotsionaalsele teekonnale, täis tunnete virrvarri.

○ Loo autor ning filmi looja on Ekebert Esken.
○ Originaalmuusika helilooja ja tootja on Siim Tsadurjan.
○ Näitlevad Tristan Ruusmaa ja Hanna-Sandra Kulderknup.
○ Lisaks tegid projektis kaasa ka Oskar-Mattias Õunap ja Velle Tamme.

○ Autori Ekeberdi sõnum:
“Aususe hind” on minu esimene lühifilm, mis sündis ammusest konfliktist minu sees - kas rääkida tõtt või varjata midagi ja elada süükoormaga edasi?

○ Mille poolest on see lühifilm eriline?
Film on eriline selle loomise poolest - filmiga on seotud kokku vaid kuus inimest ning me valmistasime filmi väga väikese eelarve ja ülimalt väikese meeskonnaga. Paar stseeni filmist saime isegi filmitud ainult neljakesi - Hanna-Sandra ja Tristan näitlemas, mina kaamera ja režii taga ning Siim Tsadurjan heli salvestamas. See oli võimalik tänu minu omatud tehnikale ning paljudele oskustele filmi tegemises. Sellegipoolest aga tahtsime luua võimalikult head filmi, mida annaks võrrelda ka palju suuremate filmidega, nii kvaliteedi kui ka narratiivi poolest!

○ Filmi autor Ekebert loodab, et lühifilmi lugu suudab 15 minuti sees mõjuda publikule emotsionaalselt ning panna neid mõtlema aususe ja varjamise dilemma peale - midagi, mille vahel on kõik oma elus pidanud valima.

INSTAGRAM:   / ekebert_esken  
FACEBOOK:   / ekebert.esken  


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