How to make onigiri - 2 simple recipes | Classic tuna mayo and spicy creamy crab

Описание к видео How to make onigiri - 2 simple recipes | Classic tuna mayo and spicy creamy crab

Hey! Today we will cook simple onigiri.
Rice (I cooked 500g of dry rice).
Shredded crab meat (imitation), 100 g.
Tuna (100 g).
Sliced ​​nori sheet.
Let's prepare the toppings first: add 2-3 tsps of mayo to tuna, a pinch of salt or a little soy sauce.
Mash tuna with a fork, mixing with mayo.
Add 2 tsps of mayo to minced crab, 0.5 tsps of gochujang spicy paste and mix thoroughly
Form onirigi with your hands or using these molds.
Put some rice in the mold, press it down with a spoon, make a small notch in the middle.
Pour in the filling and spread it out evenly and now a new layer of rice.
Try to tamp it down, then just close the mold with a lid and press firmly.
Onigiri will easily come out of shape.
Dampen the nori with water and wrap around.


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