Victoria Lioznyansky – Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

Описание к видео Victoria Lioznyansky – Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

Victoria Lioznyansky teaches introverted entrepreneurs and business professionals how to overcome their fear of public speaking and become confident, compelling, captivating speakers. Taking her own experiences going from scared to sought-after speaker, Victoria founded Brilliant Speakers Academy®, an online public speaking coaching program for introverts. She also owns Nutty Scientists of Houston, a passion project about inspiring kids to fall in love with science.

Victoria Lioznyansky Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in Moscow and moved to the US in her early 20's; studied technology and Computer ScienceReally loved working a job as a software developer; felt the pull to start her own businessVroomed her way into and out of several corporate jobs; finally landed in Houston and started a franchise business while still working her jobWas doing a lot of public speaking while marketing her business; people started asking her for help with public speakingDefinitely not a "natural" public speaker, most people are not; really applied her software development skills to deconstruct the problem of public speakingOvercoming the fear of public speaking is more about learning to be comfortable on stage and less about being "perfect"Practice and faking it don't really do much to address the underlying "fear"; if you learn to be comfortable and relaxed it is much easier to connect with people




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