Installing my new Biesemeyer style table saw fence - Off the Cuff - Wacky Wood Works.

Описание к видео Installing my new Biesemeyer style table saw fence - Off the Cuff - Wacky Wood Works.

So my new heavy duty Biesemeyer table saw fence arrived and we get to install it. Overall it was pretty easy to install. And when they say heavy duty they mean heavy duty. It is going to take a bit to align correctly but was expected.

All Music is copyright by "Nighthawk" (yes me) written and produced by "Nighthawk" “Grand finale” written by Nighthawk Music and is released under a Creative Commons Attribution License (
Artist: Nighthawk

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Disclaimer: Any video or tutorial are intended for entertainment and inspiration purpose only and not educational. Woodworking and power tools can be dangerous. I may use a tool in a certain way, does NOT mean you should. Always seek professional advice or training and please read any manual before using any power tool. If you have any uncertainty before performing any woodworking procedure, stop and learn a safer alternative method. Do not attempt anything simply because you saw it via I do not accept any responsibility for any injuries you may incur from replication of what you see in these videos.


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