
Описание к видео #323

The Modernist architecture we love is exciting, edgy, sometime inexplicable, often brilliant. Modernism has been around a long time, yet there’s also been a movement beyond Neutra and Corbusier and Gropius and Breuer and Mies, that’s frequently misunderstood. We’re talking about organic architecture, houses that make Neutra look downright classical. Organic architects are a fiercely independent breed, using their intuition like Yoda would use the Force, taking on unusual materials and construction techniques, and sculpting residences that look out of this world. More simply put, organic architecture is to modernism like monks are to priests, and these monks take their craft very seriously. As a client, you tell them what you need, but you are not going to tell them what to design. Joining us today are two prominent living organic architects, Bart Prince and Michael Johnson and later on, returning musical guests Peter Lamb and The Wolves.


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