Palak Kofta Curry |How to Cook Palak Kofta Curry Recipe |Kofta Masala|

Описание к видео Palak Kofta Curry |How to Cook Palak Kofta Curry Recipe |Kofta Masala|

Palak Kofta Curry |How to Cook Palak Kofta Curry Recipe | Kofta Masala| ​⁠‪@shazishazilmemories.Recipe‬
#palakkofta #koftarecipe #palakkoftacurry #food #kofta #cooking #recipe #vegetarianrecipe #vegetarian #indiancuisine #winterspecial #winterrecipe #lunchrecipe #lunchmenu #shazishazilmemoriserecipe

Hello everyone welcome to my channel today recipe is winter special palak kofta recipe this recipe is very delicious 😋 and healthy kofta this is something new recipe and it’s good for party menu do try this full recipe and let me know in comment below 👇 and if you like the video then don’t forget to like 👍 share and subscribe my channel ok bye ALLAHAFIZ


How to cook palak kofta
How to make palak kofta recipe
Palak kofta recipe
Palak recipe
Palak kofta gravy
Palak kofta curry recipe video
Easy palak kofta recipe
Palak malai kofta
Kofta recipe
Palak kofta restaurant style
Palak kofta recipe in Hindi
Palak kofta recipe in English
Palak kofta recipe
Kofta curry recipe

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Assallamwalekum everyone 🙏welcome to @shazi&
This is Ruksar bano mom of Shazi&Shazil we are from India 🇮🇳but currently I m living in Tanzania 🇹🇿 Daresalam East Africa… In this channel you can watch about my kids memories and some Recipes in My ways.. If you like my videos please do subscribe✅/like👍/ share/ Comment on my channel


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