Dimitri Efetov - Plethora of Many-Body Ground States in (...) Graphene | Nano meets Quantum 2022

Описание к видео Dimitri Efetov - Plethora of Many-Body Ground States in (...) Graphene | Nano meets Quantum 2022

Plethora of Many-Body Ground States in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene

Twist-angle engineering of 2D materials has led to the recent discoveries of novel many-body ground states in moiré systems such as correlated insulators, unconventional superconductivity, strange metals, orbital magnetism and topologically nontrivial phases. These systems are clean and tuneable, where all phases can coexist in a single device, which opens up enormous possibilities to address key questions about the nature of correlation induced superconductivity and topology, and allows to create entirely novel quantum phases with enhanced interactions. In this talk we will introduce some of the main concepts underlying these systems, concentrating on magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) and show how symmetry-broken states emerge at all integer electron fillings [1]. We further will discuss recent experiments including screened interactions [2], Chern insulators [4], magnetic Josephson junctions [4], quantum criticality [5], re-entrant correlated insulators at high magnetic fields [6] and discuss some of the avenues for novel quantum sensing applications [7].

[1] Nature, 574, 653 (2019).
[2] Nature, 583, 375–378 (2020).
[3] Nature Physics, 17, 710 (2021).
[4] arXiv:2110.01067 (2021).
[5] arXiv:2108.07753 (2021).
[6] arXiv:2201.09260 (2021).
[7] arXiv:2111.08735 (2021).
About this Conference:
The Confernece "Bridging the Gap: Nano meets Quantum" brings together young researchers of the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) and the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) with experienced scientists from the fields of physics and chemistry. The talks of the workshop are intended to give the graduate students and post-doctoral researchers of CeNS and MCQST an overview of current research topics on nanometer-scale and quantum science.

▶ Conference Website: www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/nano-meets-quantum-2022.html

▶ CENS Website: https://www.cens.de

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