History of the Lone Ranger! Gene Autry! Roy Rogers! Movie Animals & more with David Rothel! WOW!

Описание к видео History of the Lone Ranger! Gene Autry! Roy Rogers! Movie Animals & more with David Rothel! WOW!

The Lone Ranger was, and is, every youngster's hero. Same with Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and many more cinematic icons. But not every young kid wrote books about their heroes. David Rothel did. When he grew up he never lost his love of movies or movie heroes...both human and animals. David wrote the best seller "Who Was That Masked Man? The Story of the Lone Ranger" in 1976. The book became an immediate bestseller and was even a main selection of the Nostalgia Book Club. David followed up his Lone Ranger book with a deeply satisfying look at singing cowboys called..."The Singing Cowboys" and an exploration of movie animals called "The Great Show Business Animals." In 1977, David was a guest with Rob Word in Florida for the syndicated show biz news insert series, "Stardom." Those 5 short episodes have been reassembled and filled with new illustrations and graphics for this episode of WAY BACK ON WEDNESDAY.

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