Malaska Golf // Practicing the L to L Drill - Do Not Flip Your Wrists

Описание к видео Malaska Golf // Practicing the L to L Drill - Do Not Flip Your Wrists

I've had students tell me that when they're practicing the L to L, they feel like they're flipping their wrists through impact.

This is not correct. When you reach impact, the club should be in line with your left arm. The club head pulling your arm is what flattens your wrist at impact and creates the position you see. It's not a position you force.

If you force the club to go, or try to use your wrists to speed up the club head through impact, you will end up flipping. Again, this is not correct. Let the momentum of the club line you up. Since the club head is going faster than your hands, it will re-hinge back up after impact, creating the L in your follow through.

The L to L is a fantastic foundational drill to develop your golf swing.

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