Откройте для себя ареопаг в Афинах, Греция: где апостол Павел произнес свою знаковую речь

Описание к видео Откройте для себя ареопаг в Афинах, Греция: где апостол Павел произнес свою знаковую речь

Are you ready to explore the enchanting city of Athens and delve into its rich history? Join us as we unravel the captivating tales of the Areopagus, where the Apostle Paul once delivered his renowned speech. Let your imagination soar as we transport you to the very spot where history was made. Get ready to be inspired, mesmerized, and amazed. Welcome to the world of Areopagus Athens, where history and spirituality converge in a truly extraordinary way.

Areopagus Athens Greece: the hill where the apostle Paul gave his famous talk.

The Areopagus is a prominent rock outcropping located northwest of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. Its English name is the Late Latin composite form of the Greek name Areios Pagos, translated "Ares Rock". In classical times, it functioned as the court for trying deliberate homicide, wounding and religious matters, as well as cases involving arson or olive trees.

The Areopagus, like most city-state institutions, continued to function in Roman times, and it was from this location, drawing from the potential significance of the Athenian altar to the Unknown God, that the Apostle Paul is said to have delivered the famous speech.

Aeropago Atene Discorso Apostole Paolo

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