Math 9th |New Book 2025-26| Punjab Board | Chap 4 | Ex 4.1 | Factorization

Описание к видео Math 9th |New Book 2025-26| Punjab Board | Chap 4 | Ex 4.1 | Factorization

In this video lecture, We Start Chapter 4, New Book Solution of class '9th' Mathematics 2025-26 of Punjab textbook board (PCTB).

("Factorization and Algebric Manipulation")


" Exercise # 4.1 Complete"

🔰 SLO'S : ☆ Factorization
▪︎ Type-0: ax+ay = a(x+y)
▪︎ Type-1: ax²+bx+c (middle term breaking)

▶️ Q 1 : Identify the common factor
🔀 Q 2; Factorize Pictorally
🔀 Q 3,4 ; Factorization of Quadratic Expression by Middle term breaking Method

#factorization #middleterm_breaking #middleterm #pictorially_factorization

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