How To FIX Camtasia Lag

Описание к видео How To FIX Camtasia Lag

In this video, I'll again attempt to reduce the video editing lagging in Camtasia.

Before starting recording, go to the tools, options and
Make sure the capture layered windows is unchecked
make sure capture keyboard input unchecked
record system audio unchecked
force region to multiple of 4 unchecked
You don't have to follow all the above but anyone could help a bit.

Few basic rules when editing:
The longer the video, the more the probability for lagging
Turn off Auto - Stitch
Turn off Auto - normalize loudness
Apply cursor effect right at the end
Once your facing slowing down or lagging, produce the video into MP4, and start editing as a new project. Don't forget to apply the cursor effects prior to producing the MP4.

IMPORTANT - In the above video, I missed a very important setting that you need to change as well. Please follow 👉    • Camtasia changes the video output col...  

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below 😊

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