10 NEW THINGS Coming In Season 9 of CODM! 🔥

Описание к видео 10 NEW THINGS Coming In Season 9 of CODM! 🔥

🌟 GearUp Booster:

In this video we are going over some brand new things coming to call of duty mobile in season 9. The new season 9 is about to drop in a few weeks, and we already have a lot of new leaks that tell us what we should be getting in the new season. These include a new gun, new completionist camo, collabs, balance changes and more! So if you’re looking to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in codm then this video is for you! Sit back, relax and enjoy the video!

🔗 Links:
Buy cheap CP: http://www.u7buy.com/call-of-duty-mob...

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