More Than 4 Million Players Made This Mistake After 1.e4 e5

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🔹 Beat GothamChess Subscribers Easily | Ponziani Opening Counter -    • Ponziani Opening Counter [Beat Gotham...  

♛ Find the Ponziani Opening variations shown in the video in this blog-post -

This is a quick chess opening crash course by GM Igor Smirnov on the Ponziani Chess Opening, which arises after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3. White plays c3 to prepare for an immediate 4.d4, aiming to establish a strong center.

The Ponziani Opening is one of the oldest and most underrated chess openings. Filled with deadly traps at almost every move, it allows White to get a winning position in just 8 moves in one of the most frequently played lines.

Watch the full video lesson as GM Smirnov explains all the variations of the Ponziani Opening, including Black's most common responses: 3...Nf6, 3...Bc5, 3...d6, and 3...d5.

► Chapters

00:00 Chess Opening Crash Course, Ponziani Opening
00:12 White wins in 8 moves (Proof)
02:15 If Black plays 8...Ke8
04:11 7.Bb3 instead of 7.Bxf7+
06:42 If Black plays 4...Nxe4 instead of 4...exd4
08:40 If Black doesn't fall for the trap
10:08 4 million players' mistake, 3...Bc5
11:37 If Black plays 3...d6
13:56 If Black plays 3...d5 (for advanced players)
15:05 Grandmasters' response as Black
17:14 Black's best response

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