Missing Data - R for Economists Moderate 10

Описание к видео Missing Data - R for Economists Moderate 10

This series of videos will serve as an introduction to the R statistics language, targeted at economists.

In this video, I cover how to handle it when you have missing data in your data set. I'm really just covering how to make sure listwise deletion works properly, with is.na(), complete.cases(), na.rm, and na.omit. But that's a good place to start with missing data!

The data used in this episode can be found at https://nickchk.com/MostRecentCohorts...
Download the code from all my R videos at once at https://nickchk.com/R%20for%20Economi...

You can find links to every video in the series here: http://nickchk.com/videos.html#rstats
There are videos on: [BASIC] Getting Started, Getting Help, Objectives and Variables, Vectors and Matrices, Data Frames, Packages, Summary Statistics (of One and Two Variables), Plots and Graphs, and Linear Regression (OLS), [MODERATE] Regression Formulas, Robust or Clustered Standard Errors and Post-Regression Stats, Regression Plots, Instrumental Variables (IV Regression), Time Series, ARIMA and ARMA, Probit and Logit, Tobit and Heckman, Panel Data, and Missing Data, and [ADVANCED] Simulations, The Tidyverse, Reshape and Join/Merge, dplyr (Introduction, Piping, and Grouping), ggplot (Introduction, Geometries, Overlaid and Grouped Plots, and Titles and Labels), and vtable


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