Malware in Microsoft's GitHub Repo?! | Technado Ep. 357

Описание к видео Malware in Microsoft's GitHub Repo?! | Technado Ep. 357

Cheats, breaches, and weaknesses abound on this week's Technado! Cybercriminals are threatening to leak millions of records from the World-Check database, and millions more were affected by this week's Frontier Communications broadband shutdown. In our biggest story of the week, MITRE got pwned by nation-state hackers via our old friends, the Ivanti zero-days. CrushFTP is dealing with a vuln that lets attackers download system files, and our Don't Make No Sense feature is a twofer: fake game cheats are being used to spread malware, and it all started with...Microsoft's GitHub repo?

Of course, it wouldn't be Technado without a deep dive, and this one's a doozy: a SafeBreach researcher uncovered FOUR CVEs by exploiting a long-standing issue that supports Windows backwards-compatibility.

Like what you heard? Check this episode's stories below:


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