How to keep Crocodiles at home ?? European Herpetoculture Podcast Ep. 16 with Robin German Exotics

Описание к видео How to keep Crocodiles at home ?? European Herpetoculture Podcast Ep. 16 with Robin German Exotics

Robin is a German keeper who keeps venomous snakes, crocs, exports to the US and much more. A great guest for our podcast.

Want to learn more about our guest? check:   / german.exotics  

Platforming European Herpeto-Culture and the people within.

On this podcast we allow private keepers and professionals to share a rich amount of knowledge and experience with the goal of motivating keepers towards a more inclusive, natural and meaningful approach of husbandry. All while allowing space for nuance, counter ideas and critical thinking.

With new guests, roundtables and interesting discussions and topics surrounding the wonderfull world of European Herpetoculture.

Find us on all your usual podcast streaming services :)

The European Herpetoculture Podcast is a collaboration between:
Stefan   / terrariumchannel  
Ben   / unseen.diversity  
Flo   / de.reptiles  
Til   / til.landsioideae  


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