GT7-Bugatti VGT (Gr.1) max/700/800/900 Tune and Test Run

Описание к видео GT7-Bugatti VGT (Gr.1) max/700/800/900 Tune and Test Run

Hey, what’s going on everybody happy Wednesday evening. Hope everybody had a blessed day. and if you’re ever feeling lost and I’ve found it’s a go out in the dark and a nice day. You find a nice spot out in the field or even down by the river or even up in the mountains, somewhere depends everybody has their own spot they go to for myself. I have a few different spots i go to.and lay down on the ground and connect with earth as you stare up into the sky and let your thoughts run wild a lot of times you get answers just by looking up into the sky. because this allows you to process your emotions, your thoughts and just everything that’s going on a lot of times it just gives you peace of mind and if you bring a notepad with you, you can write this all down because a lot of times you don’t get the answers you’re looking for when it’s too noisy. so I did another Car for this special weekly race because you can do quite a few cars for this race because there’s really no worry about anything has like gas, tires, and PP limits, which is pretty cool to get to do quite a few cars and try them all out. So this Bugatti, I would say is the best one out of the  them all because the other ones just have so much issues with them. This one’s just like boom good at everything for myself. I definitely will use this quite a bit because it’s very versatile and it works for many different races so I did a few tunes on this I didn’t really change a whole lot of it. I just change down force, the weight, the power output and the transmission, because I like the way the car handles right off the bat. I didn’t really want to change the settings that I made but the car does run pretty good as is you don’t really have to touch anything. so for the Car builds, I’d say the 700 is a little touch and go because of how much I had to power it down to fit it for that race so it does work. I just have to watch out because the other cars are bit faster in a way but still quite capable of winning the race just kind of taking the long-haul with the race. and for the other set ups besides the max, I’m running racing hard tires.As for customization, custom parts there’s not much you can buy for this. There’s only a select few parts you can buy to equipped to the car.  so power and acceleration are good, handling and breaking are good and fuel is good on this too so you could lean it at 2 to 6 if you want, but for the most part, the fuel is pretty good so you’re looking at like 2/3 lean. so the transmission I just sat, did not change the gearbox as it runs pretty good. Make sure you buy your wet or intermediate tires as you need them. I tend to buy pretty well all the tires besides intermediates. I also use the hydraulic brake with this car works pretty decent on it, so if you have anymore questions or want to chat or whatever in the comments and I’ll get back to you thank you for your time and I’ll see you on the next one.

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-Garystevens685 -PopkovRF -Linebacker_Nr36 -BatRagnaaRok -Sully74 -frislanviking


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