Living Water (Christian Short Film) [2023 November Conference]

Описание к видео Living Water (Christian Short Film) [2023 November Conference]

Prepare to embark on a profound spiritual journey in our Christian short film, "Living Water Revelation." When a man takes a sip from the "Living Water," he is granted a vision of the raw and harsh truths that persist in our imperfect world. Inspired by the words of John 4:14, "but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life,” this film explores the transformative awakening that follows.

As the man drinks from the source of Living Water, his perception of the world is shattered, revealing the painful realities and hidden darkness that exist in our society. Join us on this emotional and eye-opening journey as we confront the stark truths that challenge our faith and call us to take action.

This short film also serves as a heartfelt invitation to our upcoming annual Fall Conference, taking place from November 23rd to 25th. Join us for a time of reflection, discussion, and prayer as we come together. Mark your calendar, and be sure to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated with our latest content and events.

We look forward to sharing this transformative and thought-provoking journey with you.
What did you think of our Short Film? Let us know in the comments below!!


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