Women often come to our practice for a technique called the Webster Technique, which is a specific analysis and treatment that can promote normal movement and positioning of the pelvis during pregnancy. If a baby is in the breech or other non-optimal position in utero, we recommend the Webster Technique. This promotes optimal pelvic and uterine position and can help create enough space for the baby to turn naturally. Based on the recommendations of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) along with clinical experience, our recommendations for treatment are:
Webster Technique evaluation should be administered at the first sign of a breech pregnancy. This can be as early as 30-32 weeks. We do not recommend waiting until after 36 weeks, however, it can still be successful until 39 weeks.
Treatment Frequency: If the doctor determines the pelvis will benefit from the Webster Technique we recommend treatments daily for 6 days. Treatments will generally last about 10-15 minutes.
The Webster Technique is safe, comfortable and effective. Bonus ** It sets women up for more comfortable labor and delivery.
Be sure to consult your current treating physician prior to doing any DIY tape application or exercises featured.
If you ever experience pain or are apprehensive, stop immediately and seek advice for your doctor or consult an emergency physician.
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---------------------------- About Wash Park Chiro --------------------------
Many of our new patients find us when they are working towards healing an injury (old or recent). As they recover, they see how our comprehensive care allows them to thrive in many aspects of life (home, work, family, fitness, etc.). Finally, after experiencing our care, we hope the expectations of your body’s potential has evolved to expect more. As practitioners, these principals drive us to continue to evolve our education and care. This ensures that we are constantly evaluating new approaches, new technologies, and new techniques and combining the good ones with the tried and true techniques that are our foundation. The mission of Washington Park Chiropractic is to provide elite, comprehensive care to the proactive, health-conscious community of Denver allowing people to live their best lives.
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This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Washington Park Chiropractic, LLC, its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Washington Park Chiropractic, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. The use of this content is at your sole risk.
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