Nabooru Cutscene Skip with Ledge Clip from Doorframe (Sword & Stick Setups)

Описание к видео Nabooru Cutscene Skip with Ledge Clip from Doorframe (Sword & Stick Setups)

New method of Nabooru CS skip using a glitchy grab from the top of the doorframe to ledge clip. It was known before you could do a ledge clip like this using a backwalk off the throne, but that method is considered tas-only or at least very hard and not RTA friendly. This method uses grabbing the top of the doorframe instead to achieve the same result, which ends up being more lenient and thus very viable to pull off in real time. Saves about 3-5s over other hookshot clip methods, or closer to 6-8s over no greatspins with sword.


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