[PGR] F2P Hero Warzone Ice 326w | Solo SS0 Qu Shukra Gameplay | PGR TW

Описание к видео [PGR] F2P Hero Warzone Ice 326w | Solo SS0 Qu Shukra Gameplay | PGR TW

Highest F2P Punishing: Gray Raven Warzone score you will probably see on youtube
(well not anymore, future chars will surpass this now xd)
Weather: Ayla Kaleido | Zone: Single Enemies
Weapon Resonance: Qu - 1, Ayla - 2

This is the highest score I've gotten on this account Oo
I did get 311w before with Fire after I got SS3 Wata, but it could of been a bit higher so I didn't upload it & slacked lol. SS0 Qu is very capable though of scoring this high, just takes a duo/single enemy zone with some phat points C: As well as DLT on her weapon for sure :worrygone:
Thanks for Watching guys!

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Yui Ishikawa - 二輪の花(Flower)
   • Punishing: Gray Raven Theme Song Two-...  

0:00 Builds
0:24 Ice Warzone
4:18 Outro

#戰雙帕彌什 #pgr #punishinggrayraven


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