More Christmas Painted Rocks | Rock Painting Tutorial | Rocktastic Arts

Описание к видео More Christmas Painted Rocks | Rock Painting Tutorial | Rocktastic Arts

To buy my vinyl decals, waterslide decals, printable vinyl decals and mandala patterns from my website: WWW.ROCKTASTICARTS.COM

I love Christmas and making Christmas crafts. I did more Christmas decals, I actually did these for me last year before I started selling decals. I gave many of them as gifts and they were loved by all the people who got them.
It takes a very long time to get the blue paints to blend and look the way I want them to. Make sure the background is not too dark or else you won't be able to see the decal silouhette clearly when you stick them on. The glitter looks like snow falling, or you can do holographic glitter dots instead and it will look like stars. Either way, this is one of my favourite rocks to paint.
The Wisemen rock is a beautiful natural rock that I've had for a long time. All I did with that is gloss it so that I can see it's beauty more, then I stuck the decal on, and it looks awesome, even though I really did nothing at all, it is all natural beauty. The next rock I did a paint pour on it with holographic paint, I did a whole video on that before, the link for that video is below:
   • Rock Painting - Acrylic Paint Pouring...  

The last rock is the same idea as the first rock, but I wanted to show you that it works on an art rock made from gypsum the same exact way it works on real natural rocks.

Let me know if you have any questions … till we meet again, have fun, take care, and Rock on.

Below are Amazon Affiliate links to the products I used in this video. Please use the links below to buy your supplies and help support my channel, there is no difference to you in the price, and I get a tiny commission if you use these links. Thank You.

Mont Marte Paints

Mont Marte paint brushes:

Dotting Tools:

Paint palet

White Paint:

Duraclear brush on varnish:

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