Top Tips for Setting Your Business Up for Success Years Before a Move: An Industry Update

Описание к видео Top Tips for Setting Your Business Up for Success Years Before a Move: An Industry Update

With Mindy Diamond and Louis Diamond

A breakdown of the steps advisors can take to prepare for change and enhance business processes, equally effective for those at the curiosity stage or even deep into due diligence, and whether you ultimately make a move or not. 

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NOTE: The views and opinions expressed by the guests on this podcast are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Diamond Consultants. Neither Diamond Consultants nor the guests on this podcast are compensated in any way for their participation.

About this episode…

Contrary to what many advisors believe, transitioning from one firm or model to another does not happen overnight. Ensuring a transition is accomplished with the least amount of disruption, the highest level of portability, and the greatest success takes a good amount of planning—for advisors and teams at all levels.

Of course, there are several steps we walk our advisor-clients through when they are considering change: educating them on the latest trends, helping to evaluate economic models and understand their enterprise value, guiding them through the thought process around their goals and vision, conducting a strategic due diligence process, and the act of comparing and contrasting their current firm to the options on the table.

But this is different. There are actions that you can take now to prepare your business for a potential move—whether you’re just at the curiosity stage or even deep into due diligence.

They are actions that are so important that our download on the topic, Top Tips for Setting Your Business Up for Success Years Before a Move , has become one of the most popular tools in our arsenal of advisor resources.

In this episode, which serves as a “deep dive” companion to the tool, Mindy and Louis break down each tactic, offering additional advice gleaned from over two decades of experience helping our advisor-clients through successful transitions, including:

• How to improve book portability.
• Why you should set up a secure document repository.
• What you should be looking at when it comes to your staff and their roles.
• How to handle legacy broker dealer business.
• Why you might consider shifting away from proprietary solutions.
• And much more!

It’s the guidance you need to prepare you, your team, and your business for change and enhance your business processes—whether you ultimately make a move or not, you’ll be ready to pivot in whatever direction you need to.

So listen in to learn what you can get started on today.

*Download: Top Tips for Setting Your Business Up for Success Years Before a Move

Want to learn more about where, why, and how advisors like you are moving? Click to contact  us or call 908-879-1002.

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