Una chiacchierata con Richard Gere/Talking it over with Richard Gere

Описание к видео Una chiacchierata con Richard Gere/Talking it over with Richard Gere

70 years....on the "wrong" side...
While he was spending few days of holidays in Italy, Richard Gere, who has constantly showed particular concern for human rights and suffering people decided to board "Open Arms" a Spanish NGO boat with many refugees rescued in the Mediterranean Sea, which has been stranded at large of Lampedusa (Italy) for many days, before an Italian Court eventually decided to allow everybody to land on Italian soil, de facto overuling the (now former..) Italian Minister of Interior Affairs, mr. Matteo Salvini, who had refused landing and enforced a controversial policy of "closed harbours". While the "Open Arms" drama was still on, we got together and talked about an hour about our worsening, wicked word. Refugees, big&little Trumps, arrogance and ignorance ruling instead of wisdom, democracy and governance, Us China relations, how to cope with China "century" and its dangers and threats, Buddhism and the need to "act" in order to alleviate other people sufference, and, most important, the need of opening up our inner "borders" (those of our heart and mind) before the "geopolitical" ones.
This is the full version, which I left in its original language (apologies for my poor English). A shorter, edited version with Italian subtitles will be uploaded in the next days.


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