2013 Sunflower Shootout ~ Stage 6: Bank Heist

Описание к видео 2013 Sunflower Shootout ~ Stage 6: Bank Heist

Capital City Pistol Shooters (CCPS) 2013 Sunflower Shootout Kansas State IDPA match on 10/12/13 at Capital City Gun Club, Topeka, KS

Shooters: Bob H (); Brandon R (); Chris R (); Shooter #6 (); Craig A (); Duart B (); Jeff H (); Jerrold J (); Jim E (); Ken H (); Larry C (); Logan S (); Mike H (); Ralph D (); Rod O (); Ryan D (); Richard A (); Scott H (); Terry G (); Shooter #1 (); Wesley B ()

Scenario: You are on your way into the bank when you realize it's being robbed.

Begin with gun loaded & holstered, hands at your sides.

At the start signal draw and engage the 2 threat targets in front of you as you move to cover with 2 rounds each. Address the remaining 6 targets from cover in tactical priority (slicing the pie). The threat targets with black painted sections represent hard cover. Hits in this area are misses. Shooting the popper activates the swinger.

Each of the 7 cardboard targets should have 2 hits each; minimum rounds per shooter: 15


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