Gateway to Arabic Book Four, Lesson 14: Hollow Verbs in use

Описание к видео Gateway to Arabic Book Four, Lesson 14: Hollow Verbs in use

Gateway to Arabic Book Four
This fourth book in the series continues to build upon the students’ knowledge of first form Arabic verbs by introducing them to hollow verbs, double root letter verbs, verbs with a weak first root letter and verbs with a medial or final hamza. An exposition of the rules governing the hamza is also given. The cardinal numbers from 20 to 99 are taught as well as the ordinal numbers up to nineteen, together with the rules governing their use.
(Page 58) An extensive section on telling the time includes dialogues, written exercises and comprehension practice. The months of the year in the Christian and Muslim (Hijri) calendars are also taught.

Other subject areas covered include family relationships, domestic life, buying train tickets and asking for and giving directions.


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