V1F - 1 on 1 basketball, Game 009

Описание к видео V1F - 1 on 1 basketball, Game 009

  / 201119026567346  

Smallville vs Cato, 6A Category (6'0-6'6), played at Gus Garcia Recreation center, Austin Tx, August 16th 2011. http://www.kleenshave.com 1 on 1 basketball is the ultimate test of a player. The Verse One Federation launches weekly 1 on 1 basketball tournaments to expand the Federation and bring more talent to the fore front. Watch our favorite vs 1 on 1 basketball video Kobe vs Lebron and see what Kobe Bryant says about 1 on 1 basketball. We aim to bring you the best vs 1 on 1 basketball players around. Join us at our weekly vs 1 on 1 baksetball tournament where we are recruiting new members into the vs 1 on 1 basketball federation weekly.


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