有的狗一进入狗群就被群殴,你知道为啥它那么不受欢迎吗?\Why some dogs are attacked when they just enter the group?

Описание к видео 有的狗一进入狗群就被群殴,你知道为啥它那么不受欢迎吗?\Why some dogs are attacked when they just enter the group?

狗狗的群体也是存在规则的,有的狗特别容易招来别的狗的针对性攻击,但是此时很多狗主人都以为是主动攻击的狗出现了问题,真正的原因果真如此吗?\Dog groups also have rules. Some dogs are especially easy to be attacked from other dogs. Many dog ​​owners think there is caused by the initiative dog. Is this true?


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